St Jude's Miracle Oil®

Thank you for visiting our page! Be sure to browse our Before and After photos and How to Use page. We will pack and ship your oil within 1-2 days, and you will receive a confirmation email from Shippo. We use the US post office, which sometimes has delays outside of our control, so please be patient! USPS packages are typically delivered to your parcel locker. We thank you for visiting our page!
William &
Chandra Vandry
Soothing, Cooling, Relaxing Blend of 9 Essential Oils
St. Jude’s Miracle Oil® is under the U.S. Trademark and Patent Office and protected under Trade secret law.
Thank you for your interest in St. Jude’s Miracle Oil! This is the same product used in the documentary, Got Pain? We have received hundreds of emails on the positive effect of our product. Thank you so very, very much!
We used the word ‘miracle’ due to the fast action of our oil and its many uses. We obviously cannot promise miracles, those only come from God!
Regarding use on animals: while our site includes pictures of dogs who we have used the oil on for rashes and snake bites, we cannot prescribe the oil for animals. Different animals have different metabolisms, and dog size and health may vary dramatically. While there is research on oils being safe for dogs, we cannot recommend specifically for your dog, and you should consult your veterinarian.
This site contains links to other Internet sites. These links are not endorsements of any products or services in such sites, and no information in such site has been endorsed or approved by this site.
Contact William Vandry from Got pain? movie
If you are looking to contact William Vandry from the film Got Pain?, he does do nutritional counsulting.
William is a Sports medicine specialist, Sports injury specialist, Sports Nutritionist, and Naturopathic practitioner. Specialized certifications in: Pain Management and Opioid Misuse, Abuse, and Diversion, Pain Management, Management of Persistent Symptoms after Concussion and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Care and Prevention of Sports Injuries, Key Issues in Glaucoma Management, and EMDR for Veterans with PTSD.
His program is individualized and in-depth, please visit https://www.williamvandry.com/nutritional-consulting for more information. Please be aware that we cannot offer nutritional advice by email. We appreciate your comments and stories, but ask that you don’t send unsolicited medical records or email requests for nutritional or medical advice. You can find articles written by William Vandry at https://vandryhope.org/articles-on-pain-nutrition/
Join our Got Pain? Instagram page: @gotpainmovie
Join our twitter Vandry View podcast Podcast covers topics in MMA, BJJ, Health and Nutrition Vandry View Podcast (@VandryView) | Twitter
What People Are Saying
The St. Jude’s Miracle Oil ® have been used by general public, military veterans, martial artists, athletes, wives, friends, doctors, businessman and many others that use the oil for their personal reasons. Of all testimonies given on this wonderful product, every person is real, unsolicited, unpaid and have expressed through their own passion, satisfaction and belief in this product that you can read below these testimonies from doctors, businessmen, nurses, athletes. Here are many of them: